Clean and Green (Thematic output)

Keeping the environment clean is important to being healthy. There are many things that individuals can do to help clean the environment and it starts in the community. Every residents in the community, volunteers in weekly cleaning of the surroundings by sweeping out trash and garbage in our surroundings. In this little gesture, it is a big help in protecting our environment, it minimizes/ removes pollution, and ensure health and safety for every residents in the community. Clean and green environment/ surroundings imply absence of pollution and a better quality of life. And sweeping plays a vital role in improving air quality. And it also prevents drainage issues, regular sweeping of dirt prevents the build up of materials that can block drainage systems and causes flooding or water runoff issues during heavy rainfall. It can also contribute to decrease control by removing organic waste and reducing the presence of pests and rodents that thrive in dirty environment. Thru sweeping it provide an opportunity to engage and educate the community about the importance of cleanliness, waste management, and it create a better living environment for their residents and visitors alike.



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