Ending Violence, Ensuring Safety: A Reflection on the 2024 National Children's Month Theme"


Every November, the Philippines celebrates National Children's Month, a time to reflect on the welfare of children and the need to prioritize their rights, safety, and well-being. For 2024, the theme, “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines,” could not be more urgent. With violence against children continuing to be a pervasive issue, this year's theme calls for collective action from both government and society to safeguard our nation's future—our children.

Violence against children takes many forms: physical, sexual, emotional, and even neglect. In the Philippines, where poverty, lack of access to education, and a history of political instability create a volatile environment, children are often the most vulnerable. According to reports, many children are subjected to violence in their own homes, schools, and communities. Despite legal frameworks such as the Republic Act 7610 or the "Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act," these laws often fall short due to lack of enforcement, social stigma, and the continued lack of resources allocated to children's welfare.

The 2024 theme calls for a united front against such violence and highlights the importance of creating safe environments for children—whether in homes, schools, or communities. Protecting children goes beyond legal measures; it involves strengthening communities, raising awareness about child abuse, and providing mental health support for both children and families. A safer Philippines is one where every child is protected from harm, where they can grow, learn, and dream without fear. The first step in building this safe haven is recognizing the prevalence of violence and taking decisive action to break its cycle.





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